The Panic of an Empty Roll: When You Run Out of Toilet Paper Mid-Session

It’s a situation we’ve all found ourselves in at some point – you’re on the toilet, going about your business, only to reach for the toilet paper and discover that the roll is empty. Panic sets in. What do you do now? In this post, we’ll explore the humorous and sometimes uncomfortable scenarios that unfold when you run out of toilet paper mid-session and offer some practical solutions to this bathroom crisis.

  1. The Initial Shock:

When you realize there’s no toilet paper within arm’s reach, the initial reaction is often a mix of disbelief and mild panic. You might curse your forgetfulness for not checking before sitting down.

  1. The Awkward Shuffle:

With no other option, you may find yourself performing an “awkward shuffle” to reach for a fresh roll or some spare rolls stashed nearby. This maneuver can be quite a balancing act.

  1. Calling for Help:

For those fortunate enough to have someone nearby, you might have to summon help. There’s nothing quite like yelling, “Hey, can you bring me some toilet paper?” through the bathroom door.

  1. Creative Alternatives:

If there’s no one around and no backup rolls, creativity comes into play. Some people resort to using tissues, napkins, or even wet wipes in desperate moments. Others may consider the old “drip-dry” technique, although it’s far from ideal.

  1. Scavenger Hunt:

If you’re at home, you might embark on a quick scavenger hunt, rummaging through cabinets and drawers to find a substitute for toilet paper. Newsflash: Coffee filters are not a recommended alternative.

  1. The Shameful Crawl:

For those brave enough, a “shameful crawl” to retrieve toilet paper from another bathroom becomes the only option. This maneuver can be both physically and emotionally demanding.

  1. Prevention:

The best solution, of course, is prevention. Always check for an ample supply of toilet paper before you embark on your bathroom adventure. Consider keeping extra rolls within arm’s reach in case of emergency.


Running out of toilet paper while on the toilet is a situation that most of us have experienced, and it’s always a memorable and occasionally humorous event. While it can lead to moments of panic and creative problem-solving, the best strategy is to avoid this predicament altogether by being prepared. Keep a watchful eye on your toilet paper supply, and always have extra rolls on hand to ensure that your bathroom visits remain as stress-free as possible. After all, it’s the little things that can make a big difference in our daily lives, even in the smallest room of the house!

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